Friday, February 8, 2008

fuck global warming

Times New Viking is the kind of band I wish I would have been into in high school, they probably would have, like, changed my life and shit. I can picture myself in study hall with a Nirvana t-shirt on and some flannel around my waist doodling a Weezer logo on my notebook while listening to this shit instead of writing a five page paper on the native americans or global warming or peace or whatever. But really, man. Fuck global warming, I don't even like whales, it's the MUSIC that really matters. I would have put this on a mixtape for a girl i had a crush on and then vigorously masturbated to a picture of Britney Spears I hid under my mattress (she used to be hot! i know, lol!) Anyway, this is what the Ohio boys and girl in Times New Viking do, their music sounds like acne and D+ report cards. Embarrassing boners and the fuzzed out, noisy and nostalgic punk-tinted rock tunes that all our inner teens have been waiting years for. I say you put this on and rub one out for your high school prom queen one, last, time.

mp3: Times New Viking - Teen Drama from the album Rip It Off

1 comment:

Lenny said...

probably one of the greatest write ups of all time