Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today is a great day for the internet.

Dear Internet

I know we haven't been so close lately, but today i received your gift of an advance copy of Oakland, Ca. based Why?'s new full length Alopecia (which doesn't come out until March 22nd!) and what can I say, it's a really thoughtful gift. How did you know that's what I really wanted this Martin Luther King Jr. day? I guess You just know what a guy wants. Other than The Hollows which you must have heard me raving about when it was released as a single in 07, my favorite track is Simeon's Dilemma (even if Yoni does mention his "fixie" on it) which is almost the perfect mix of painfully sweet and a little bit dark (but not too dark.) This is a gift I truly love, man, and I hope I can return the favor somehow, someday.

Hope that bandwidth situation is working it's self out
love, Malcolm.

mp3: Why? - Simeon's Dilemma

Why? will be playing Madison in April and Alopecia comes out March 22nd, buy that shit!

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